resolution 5125: authorization to enter into an INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT with TOLLESON UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 214 for the services of A school resource officer at ONE school campus DURING THE 2016-17 SCHOOL YEAR
Staff Contact: Debora Black, Police Chief
Purpose and Recommended Action
This is a request for City Council to waive reading beyond the title and adopt a resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into an intergovernmental agreement (IGA) with Tolleson Union High School District No. 214 (TUHSD214) to assign one Glendale Police Officer at a select campus to serve as a School Resource Officer (SRO) during the 2016-17 school year.
SROs were assigned to schools in the Glendale area from 1992-2010. This program was primarily funded through grants received by the school districts and was found to be very effective for both the schools and the Glendale Police Department (GPD). Assigned SROs serve as a liaison between the school and GPD; promoting crime prevention and police/community relations in the school and to other groups that have a potential impact on juvenile crime. The SROs educate the students and school personnel by providing relevant and informative educational programs dealing with peer pressure, child abuse, gangs, drug awareness, and other related issues. The SROs work on campus while school is in session. During the summer break SROs complete duties assigned by the Police Department.
In 2011, due to a lack of grant funding, the assignment of SROs at campuses was discontinued. In 2013, a few school districts, including TUHSD214, were able to locate funding in their budgets and began participating in the program once again. In late June 2014, the School Safety Program Oversight Committee agreed to spend almost $12 million in the upcoming school year on school safety programs to add officers to school sites across the state. Copper Canyon High School, which is part of TUHSD214, was among the schools selected to receive funds. One officer has been assigned to Copper Canyon High School for the last two consecutive school years. Grant funding is continuing for the 2016-17 school year and this IGA will allow the high school to continue with an SRO for the new school year beginning August 3, 2016.
If approved, one officer will be assigned to Copper Canyon High School until May 26, 2017. Staff is recommending that Council adopt the proposed resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into an IGA with TUHSD214 to assign one Glendale Police Officer at the select campus to serve as an SRO.
Previous Related Council Action
On June 23, 2015, Council adopted a resolution (No. 4991 New Series) authorizing the City Manager to enter into an IGA with TUHSD214 to assign one Glendale Police Officer at a select campus to serve as an SRO.
Community Benefit/Public Involvement
This partnership allows GPD to continue educational efforts in local schools while increasing police visibility and presence in the community.
Budget and Financial Impacts
The 2016-17 salary and benefits for the officers in the SRO positions was estimated at $126,811 per officer. TUHSD214 received grant funding in the approximate amount of $93,991 for each officer at each school to cover the salary and grant-reimbursable employee related expenses, covering the ten months of the school year. The remaining $32,820 of each officer’s salary and benefits will be paid for by the Police Department.
Cost |
Fund-Department-Account |
$32,820 |
1840-33228-500200, School Resource Officer IGAs-Training Salaries |
Capital Expense? No
Budgeted? Yes
Requesting Budget or Appropriation Transfer? No
If yes, where will the transfer be taken from?