Staff Contact: Jack Friedline, Director, Public Works
Purpose and Recommended Action
This is a request for City Council to authorize the City Manager to enter into an Agreement for Developed and Undeveloped Right-of-Way (ROW) Landscape Maintenance with Environmental Earthscapes, Inc., dba The Groundskeeper, for landscape services in the City of Glendale north of Olive Avenue for an initial term of two years in an amount not to exceed $246,105 annually, and to authorize the City Manager to renew the agreement, at the City Manager’s discretion, for an additional three years, in one year renewals, in an amount not to exceed $1,306,848 over the full five year term of the agreement, contingent upon Council Budget approval.
The City of Glendale is responsible for maintenance of many developed and undeveloped right of way sections in the city. These responsibilities include upkeep of the decomposed granite, shrubs, groundcover, trees, irrigation line repair and water supply, herbicide, insecticide, weed control, and litter.
The existing agreement for landscape services north of Olive Avenue, Contract No. C-7721 with Agave Environmental Contracting, Inc., will expire on July 1, 2016.
A Request for Proposals (RFP) 16-37 for Landscape Maintenance Services was advertised on March 3, 2016. The RFP was for three geographic areas (north of Olive Avenue, south of Olive Avenue, and the Glendale Municipal Airport) and included the following evaluation criteria: Experience and Qualifications, Method of Approach, and Pricing Structure. Six proposals were received, with a team of city staff including Public Works and Materials Management qualifying and scoring the proposals, and The Groundskeeper proposal was determined to be most advantageous to the city for north of Olive Avenue.
The city utilizes service options such as contracted landscape maintenance. Entering into this agreement will assure regularly scheduled care, and for needs beyond staff capabilities.
The Agreement will provide landscape maintenance services for approximately 4,928,251 square feet of public ROW areas (approximately 3,565,921 square feet of developed and approximately 1,362,330 square feet of undeveloped areas) from Olive Avenue on the south to Pinnacle Peak Road on the north, and within city limits to the east and west. Staff included a 5% contingency for years three, four, and five for market adjustments and unforeseen circumstances.
Previous Related Council Action
On June 28, 2011, Council awarded a bid, authorized entering into Agreements for landscape right-of-way maintenance with Agave Environmental Contracting, Inc., Contract No. C-7721, and Basin Tree Service & Pest Control, Inc., Contract No. C-7722, and authorized the City Manager to renew the Agreements through July 1, 2016.
Community Benefit/Public Involvement
Well maintained public right of way aide in creating civic and community pride. If the efforts to maintain the appearance of the landscaping are diminished, the high standards that Glendale citizens have come to expect will be diminished, which could result in sight visibility issues, uncontrolled weed growth and urban blight. Completing regularly scheduled landscape maintenance to the city’s roadways and city owned property maintains a positive public image to residents, businesses, and visitors.
Budget and Financial Impacts
Funding is available in the Fiscal Year 2016-17 Public Works Operating budget. Expenditures with The Groundskeeper are not to exceed $246,105 per fiscal year for the first two years, and not to exceed $1,306,848 over the full term of the contract; contingent upon Council Budget approval.
Cost |
Fund-Department-Account |
$246,105 |
1340-16710-518200, Right of Way Maintenance |
Capital Expense? No
Budgeted? Yes
Requesting Budget or Appropriation Transfer? No
If yes, where will the transfer be taken from? N/A