Staff Contact: Brent Stoddard, Director, Intergovernmental Programs
Staff Presenter: Jenna Goad, Intergovernmental Programs Administrator
Purpose and Recommended Action
This is a request for City Council to approve expenditure authorization by the City Manager to the Arizona League of Cities and Towns (LACT) for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2016-17 membership dues and assessments for the City of Glendale in an amount not to exceed $93,295.
The LACT is a voluntary membership organization of all 91 incorporated municipalities in Arizona. The LACT is the only organization that connects each and every municipality, regardless of size or geographic location. The LACT represents the collective interests of cities and towns at the state legislature, provides timely information on important municipal issues, creates skill-sharpening workshops, and develops networking opportunities.
At the LACT Executive Committee meeting on February 12, 2016, a budget was approved that called for a modest increase in dues assessments for FY 2016-17. The new dues formula calls for a $3,910 base fee plus a varying per capita rate ranging from $.46 to $.49 depending on population. Cities over a 200,000 population (Chandler, Gilbert, Glendale, Mesa, Phoenix, Scottsdale and Tucson) pay on a capped-dues formula. The capped-dues formula was increased by 1.65% above the FY 2015-16 levels. Due to the economic downturn in FY 2010-11, the LACT approved a 5% reduction to membership rates. Since then, dues have gradually increased as shown in the tables below:
Fiscal Year |
Amount |
2016-2017 |
$93,295 |
2015-2016 |
$91,780 |
2014-2015 |
$88,250 |
2013-2014 |
$88,250 |
2012-2013 |
$88,250 |
2011-2012 |
$88,000 |
2010-2011 |
$80,750 |
2009-2010 |
$85,000 |
2008-2009 |
$85,000 |
The LACT provides its members services in the following areas:
Legislative Issues - During the legislative session and throughout the year, in coordination with the Intergovernmental Programs staff of each city, the LACT meets with legislators and other special interest groups to represent the interests of cities and towns. The LACT carefully monitors and tracks each bill of municipal concern that is introduced during the session. The LACT attend and testify at committee hearings on bills of municipal interest.
Information and Inquiry Service - The LACT is a resource and information service for every city and town. To help keep municipal government well informed in a constantly changing government landscape, the LACT provides reports on matters affecting cities and towns, as well as reminders on such items as budget and election deadlines and new federal regulations.
League Publications - The LACT provides a variety of publications and resources pertaining to municipal government in Arizona. These include:
• Arizona City and Town Connection electronic newsletter
• Local Government Directory
• Municipal Policy Statement
• So You Got Elected... So Now What?
• You as a Public Official
• Salary & Benefit Survey
• Municipal Budget & Finance Manual
• Municipal Election Manual
• Guide to Preparing and Adopting Local Laws/Municipal Publication Requirements
• Charter Government Provisions in Arizona
• A Guide for Annexation
• Model City Tax Code
Events and Training - The LACT sponsors at least one different training session each month of the year for city staff and elected officials. These sessions cover a variety of topics and are designed to help participants to sharpen skill sets, share ideas and gather current information pertinent to cities and towns.
The Annual Conference - The Annual Conference is the LACT’s showcase event and is held in a different city or town each year. This four day meeting brings together more than 900 mayors, council members, appointed officials and guests. The Annual Conference allows members and other municipal officials to share experiences and discuss current local, regional, and national trends affecting municipal government in Arizona.
Affiliate Groups - The LACT works hand in hand with affiliate organizations including:
• Arizona City/County Management Association (ACMA)
• Government Finance Officers' Association of Arizona (GFOAZ)
• Arizona Municipal Clerks' Association
Previous Related Council Action
On June 23, 2015, City Council approved the LACT membership dues for FY 2015-16.
On May 13, 2014, City Council approved the LACT membership dues for FY 2014-15.
On September 24, 2013, City Council approved the LACT membership dues for FY 2013-14.
Community Benefit/Public Involvement
The LACT provides valuable services that benefit cities and towns in the state, focusing primarily on representation and advocacy at the state legislature, and also providing educational classes, publications, legal work, research, inquiry services, pooled programs and meetings and conferences. The LACT abides by the state open meeting law requirements and all information is available to the public.
Budget and Financial Impacts
The LACT dues are paid out of the Non-Departmental Fund of the City and this amount is included in the Fiscal Year 2016-17 budget request.
Cost |
Fund-Department-Account |
$93,295 |
1000-11801-529000, Non-Departmental |
Capital Expense? No
Budgeted? Yes
Requesting Budget or Appropriation Transfer? No
If yes, where will the transfer be taken from?